Today is link-up day... accountability for the week's challenge. How have I done? Well, its been an eye-opening experience. I have discovered that, for me, I am receiving the most benefit from the Mary side of this challenge.
I have always been a 'Martha'. Stressing about getting chores done, having lists and lists and plans for doing things. I remember sitting in church one day and having the Lord tell me that I'm too much like 'Martha'. Well, fast forward many years and my life changed to the point where I CANNOT be like Martha too much anymore.
Having a baby with a 10 year gap between her and the former last child has been virtually starting over! All my previous schedules and order got thrown out of the window. I have had to re-evaluate myself and I find that with this challenge, re-evaluation has come again.
Today, we are dealing with priorities.. how do we prioritize our homemaking? One of the truths I discovered in my self-evaluation, examining my motives and purpose is that I do what I do because I love my family. They come first.. always!
What does this mean? Well, I make plans.. its good to have plans... but sometimes my plans aren't going to turn out the way I want. One of my children may be ill and need to be picked up from school earlier. My husband may need me to do something for him. I have been known to become very irritable when my plans get shoved aside and I cant do what I had scheduled to do. I have complained about it in the past, become resentful that my needs are put last.
While 'Martha' is important.. I feel very strongly that 'Mary' needs to shine. As I said in my mission statement, I am the heart of my home.
This is what I need to make MY priority. I am renewed in my purpose and commitment to my family.
I must be joyful in my homemaking.. put heart and soul into it.
My husband and children, while they acknowledge that its nice to come home to a clean house, they feel most loved when I am smiling and spreading joy and love around. What an awesome truth.. and it couldn't have come at a better time!
With Mother's Day this weekend, I can look forward to celebrating my newfound joy in my role, in my vocation... and its a wonderful feeling!
On the Martha side of things... I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. My daughter is coming home from college on Monday and I've been busy cleaning her room up. I am proud of what I have done though. I managed to do the kitchen.. fridge etc. The tops of my cupboards took a lot longer because I also have some artificial flowers and stuff up there and vases and baskets that all were covered in grime and needed a good scrubbing. I did put a beautiful bouquet on top of my fridge and cleared off all the medications we kept up there. Only the necessary items (meds and vitamins) were left in a basket.
I must admit that its nice to look up and see that sunshiney bunch (yellow lillys) brightening the kitchen. Its made me realise that one little thing I add can make a difference.
Looking forward to the rest of this challenge. Thanks so much to Christin and Sarah Mae.. its been life-changing so far!
Hope you all have a really great weekend! Enjoy Mother's Day and celebrate the beautiful vocation that God has given to you. (Rest up.. next week could be challenging!)
Shine on, shine strong for Jesus!
I think you and I must be twins! :)
Have a wonderful Happpy Mother's Day and just enjoy!!!
Just visited your blog for the first time today. I enjoyed it! It's nice to connect with like hearted women. What an encouragement that is to keep on the course. Thankyou Lisa. Keep sharing your light!
It sounds like you're doing a great job with the challenge! :)
I loved this post! Thanks for sharing your heart! It really encouraged me today!
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