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Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Devotions and Thanksgiving

Friday is here again... my favourite day of the week!

This is also the day that I go before God's throne and bring before Him  my loved ones, relatives and friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. Even as I do so, I will be offering God praise and thanksgiving as I received some wonderful news yesterday.

 I had shared, previously,  that I was awaiting news on whether or not my youngest daughter would be accepted at the school of our choice and that it was touch and go since she had to do a second assessment, having not passed the first.

Well I'm happy to say that she has passed this time and our God has come through for us again.. Praise His holy name!

So it is with a heart full of gratitude that I approach the Throne of  God. Today I pray for healing, not just physical healing, but the healing of hearts and minds. Today I offer to God our hearts. May He purify them and remove from them all things that prevent us from growing and healing... bitterness, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, grief, fear, pain, doubt.

I pray that the Lord will saturate us with His Grace. I surrender to Him and pray that He will help all those for whom I pray... that He will fill us to overflowing so that all impurities may run free leaving behind only room for His Love and Grace. I pray that He will create new hearts for us.. hearts that are fit and worthy dwelling places for Him.

I pray for parents coping with disappointment, pain and grief over their children... may He give strength and comfort to them and  a spirit of perseverance to not give up in their prayers for the salvation of their children.

I pray for the young people that have lost their way.. seduced off the Lord's path by the siren call of the world. May they no longer be blinded, but their eyes and ears open to the voice of  God's Spirit leading them back to His Living Water.

I pray for marriages.. those going through trials, those on the verge of destruction. I pray for holy marriages. I pray that husbands will love their wives as Christ loves the church and that wives will love their husbands and children with the sacrificial love that women were meant to give. I pray for healing, restoration, renewal and rejuvenation in marriages.

I pray for those going through trials.. financial,  within relationships, in job situations... that the Lord will bring peace into their hearts and that they will have courage to endure. I pray that faith will grow as they navigate the waters of each trial to safe ground, trusting in Him who has us all in the palm of His hand.

I pray for all suffering from different illnesses.. those battling for their lives and those in pain and discomfort. I pray that the pain, fear, anxiety and depression will be eased and replaced by His Grace and peace. I pray for healing and that God's will be accomplished in their lives.

I pray for all these people to have healing, relief in their trials, but most of all I pray that they will come to a place of acceptance and surrender so they can see beyond the veil of their individual situations to all that the Lord has planned for them and all that He is blessing them with.. even in the midst of the trials.

My friends, may you be blessed as I offer supplications on your behalf today. I pray for all my friends.. I do not know all of  your individual needs but I do pray for your peace and happiness and that God will supply your needs.

Have a truly blessed and love-filled weekend... and keep shining!


Kristin Bridgman said...

I just love your heart!!!
I'm thinking of you today and praying for you
as you go to the Lord on all our behalfs. Wonderful news about your daughter and the school!
And what a surprise to see my button up there:) I think you are the first one to take it. There should be a gift given for that! hhhmmmmm...pondering:)
Have a beautiful day with the Lord!

Crystal said...

Tell your daughter congratulations. Thank you for lifting us up in your prayers. What a wonderful feeling that is for me.

Heather Rae said...

Congratulations for your daughter!

Yours prayers mean so much! Taking designated time to pray for your friends is so precious!