I had yet another visit to the dentist yesterday. (Take note friends... this is what 12 years of NOT visiting the dentist has done!)
As I lay on the chair waiting and waiting for the novocaine to take effect, this song came on. Am I the only one who gets teary eyed looking at children's movies? I'm a real push-over.. have been since my childhood and the days of Lassie and Flipper. I cried when I took them to see Lion King and virtually every movie that carried poignant messages of faith, hope, love and endurance.
Well, this time when the tears came it was because the words struck deep and resonated within me. (I see a pattern here... its not the first time God has used music.. and secular music at that.. to minister to me.) I want to share with you what God placed in my heart.
There are things in life you learn, all in time you'll see. Out there somewhere, its all waiting... if you keep believing
He whispers: Life is constantly throwing things your way.. learning experiences, some so hard they could break you, you'll be alright...if you keep the faith.
There will be times in this journey.. all you see is darkness. Somewhere out there daylight finds you.. if you keep believing.
He whispers: The darkness of evil, temptation and the trials of daily life will give way to the brightness of hope and salvation.. if you keep the faith.
All the things you can change.. there's a meaning in everything.
He whispers: There's a purpose to everything that I allow to happen to you... a purpose to every place I bring you to. You have the power to change the world around you, the power to affect those whose lives you touch.
You will find all you need.. there's so much to understand.
He whispers: You may never understand my ways or my purpose, but I will supply all your needs. I will empower you to do whatever I ask of you.
Don't run, don't hide.. it will be alright. Trust me, you'll see... I'll be there watching over you!
He whispers: Take courage, trust in Me. I have never abandoned you and I will always be right here.. watching over you!
Take a look through my eyes.. there's a better place somewhere out there. Just take a look through my eyes, everything changes...you'll be amazed what you'll find.
He whispers: If you could only see through My eyes.. the eyes of My Spirit.. you would see things in a different light. Amazing things! You will see the hope in situations. You will see the beauty in brokenness, the joy in the sorrows, the lessons to be learnt from the trials. You will see ME in all of life, you will know My presence, feel My hand upon you, experience My Peace. You would find courage, gain strength, be obedient in all things and love as I want you to love, forgive as I want you to forgive.
Open your eyes, my daughter and see ME NOW!
My friends, I pray that we can all open our eyes and see, no longer through our own, but through His and we will see HIM in all things!
Linking up with:

I love how God does not limit the way that He expresses Himself-- in all things He can speak through to us!
I love love your last line.. open your eyes and SEE me now!! I love it. I was blessed reading your blog tonight! :-)
this absolutely nails my year named "see". And the way God spoke to you – I heart that. I know that he's done that to me – seems like he's done the same exact thing to you. I heart THAT! and isn't it interesting how if we take secular songs – and turn them to God how they mean something totally different. Beautifully written too!!!! You have to be open to God to hear something like this, I'm glad you were, and I'm glad you shared it with me with that link in your comment. Thank you. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours Lisa Maria.
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