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Monday, January 31, 2011

Bloghop Fever

 Happy Monday everyone ;P

Bear with me as I try to learn my way around this blog thing. Above I've put in a picture I wanted to share with some of my new friends who say they are freezing their fingers, toes and unmentionables off. Its a picture taken on our last vacation to our sister isle Tobago by my husband. Isn't it gorgeous?... a famous Tobago sunset on Store Bay.. a local beach. Hope you enjoy it and it warms you from the inside even as you're surrounded by the white stuff (which I think looks so beautiful, but I know it must get tedious eventually).

This is the link to an old post by someone I met on the Blizzard Blog Hop.


 It was a great blog and I was so inspired by it that I thought I'd share it with you all. I think you will love Traci Michelle's site as much as I do. She has a little bit of everything and is so fresh and fun.. I guess its the reason she has over 600 followers!

She's also doing The Love Dare- A 14 Day  Challenge as I mentioned on Friday in my blog which I wrote to link up with that. A-Z Feelin Pretty is just the thing I believe we need to get us  in the right frame of mind for romance... after all how can we feel attractive if we don't take care of ourselves. I'm a big 'fail' as my children would say... where this is concerned. Everybody else gets taken care of but I ignore my own needs. I shave when I HAVE to, I pluck when my eyebrows when they've grown out so much I have trouble reshaping them. The only thing I do regularly is shampoo my hair and paint on toenail polish (usually several layers before I take it off and start from scratch!) So hop on over to Ordinary Inspirations and be inspired! Then hop on over to Women Living Well and see how to apply all the new beautiful you to romancing your husband this week. (You'll see why when you see what the Challenge entails this week!)

I've 'met' so many wonderful women of God through the Blizzard Bloghop. There are so many great blogs out there, I could never read them all (and get my chores done lol!!). I also need to mention Sherry at Lamp Unto My Feet. I really enjoyed her Friday Funnies. I could see how addictive this blogging thing could be... where do people find the time? One lady I met had what looked like 30+ blogs she was following. I can't imagine finding the time to read that much.... though I'd dearly love to! I have 'followed' (boy we sure are recreating the english dictionary lol!) a few because I couldn't resist and I hope that I can keep up!

Today, Darlene at Time Warp Wife is starting a bible study on the Book of Ruth, I'm excited about that and I also continue studying the Book of James with the Good Morning Girls... I've never truly gotten into the Word as much as I am now. Thank you to Courtney, Angela and Darlene for this great opportunity. Between my bible studies and the two Valentine's challenges, I'm going to be pretty busy these next few weeks!  I look forward to learning and sharing and I wish all of you a great week ahead!

May God's grace and blessings be upon you always!

1 comment:

Traci Michele said...

Thanks for the link love! Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations